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Signature Required

It is an API error returned when the signature parameter is missing in the request.

"is_successful": false,
"error_code": "signature_is_required",
"error_message": "The `signature` parameter is required. Because signing requests is required in the access page— Make sure you use the correct signing algorithm—",
"documentation_url": ""

Reasons and how to fix

Missing Signature Parameter

The most common reason for the “signature_is_required” error is that the signature parameter is not included in the request. This parameter is mandatory for authenticating and authorizing the API request if on the access dashboard page forcing signing requests is activated.

To fix this, ensure that you include the signature parameter in your API request.

Programmatic Issues

If you are dynamically generating requests (e.g., through a script or application), there might be a bug causing the signature to be omitted.

To fix this, debug your script or application to ensure the signature is being properly set and included in every API request.

Request Validation

To ensure your request is valid, double-check all parameters and the generated signature before sending the request to the API.

Reach out to support

If you continue to face issues or need further assistance, please reach out to, and we will assist you as soon as possible.