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Animated Screenshots

In case you need a custom scenario or have propositions, feel free to reach out at

You can rely on ScreenshotOne API to generate animated screenshots and handle image and video streaming infrastructure.

ScreenshotOne supports animated (including scrollable) screenshots of different types, caching based on the world’s fastest and most potent CDN (Cloudflare), blocking ads, cookie banners, and chats.

In just one API request, you can quickly generate animated screenshots. And if you need more, various scenarios with many options are covered.

Grasp how simple it is:<your access key>

The result might differ a bit in case default options are changed, but as for now, it is similar to what I have shown in the video:

Don’t forget that you can use signed links to share videos and GIF images publicly, caching, block ads, block cookie banners, and many other options.


Select a basic scenario of how you want to animate screenshots or render ed HTML. Specify additional options and tune the scenario for your use case. And you are good to go.

Default (stand still)

Use the scenario=default parameter, or don’t specify scenario at all when sending a request to /animate.

The default scenario is to record animation after loading the site without additional animations.

The use case is when you generate animated screenshots of sites that have animations and you want to showcase it.

Look at the Handwrytten site as an example. It has a default animation when loaded. So, we won’t scroll it or add any other activities.

We will record the site as is after load:<your access key>

The result:

Scrollable (scrolling) screenshot

Use the scenario=scroll parameter, or don’t specify scenario at all when sending a request to /animate.

There is an example for scrolling Senja:<your access key>

The result is:

These are supported options for scrolling screenshot animation:

  • scroll_delay—delay in milliseconds between scrolls. The default value is 500.
  • scroll_duration—duration in milliseconds of one scroll. The default value is 1500. The scroll duration is not the duration of the video or animated GIF. Please, use the duration parameter to specify the length of the video or animated GIF.
  • scroll_by—by how many pixes scroll. The default value is 1000.
  • scroll_start_immediately—scroll immediately or wait for the scroll_delay milliseconds before scrolling. The default value is true.
  • scroll_start_delay—wait time (in milliseconds) till starting scrolling. The default value is `0“.
  • scroll_back—scroll back or not. The default value is true.
  • scroll_back_algorithmonce is by default and means that it will scroll back immediately once with the easing you have defined. But if you set repeat, it will repeat the same algorithm the API used to scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • scroll_back_after_duration—scroll back after the specified duration in milliseconds.
  • scroll_complete—stop recording animation when full scrolling is completed. The option true by default.
  • scroll_stop_after_duration—stop scrolling after the specified duration in milliseconds. Use scroll_complete=false and scroll_back=false, to stop and just stand still after the specified duration.
  • scroll_easing—use it to define the scrolling easing effect. The default value is ease_in_out_quint. There is a list of all available options:
    • linear–no easing, no acceleration;
    • ease_in_quad–accelerating from zero velocity;
    • ease_out_quad–decelerating to zero velocity;
    • ease_in_out_quad–acceleration until halfway, then deceleration;
    • ease_in_cubic–accelerating from zero velocity;
    • ease_out_cubic–decelerating to zero velocity;
    • ease_in_out_cubic–acceleration until halfway, then deceleration;
    • ease_in_quart–accelerating from zero velocity;
    • ease_out_quart–decelerating to zero velocity;
    • ease_in_out_quart–acceleration until halfway, then deceleration;
    • ease_in_quint–accelerating from zero velocity;
    • ease_out_quint–decelerating to zero velocity;
    • ease_in_out_quint–acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
  • scroll_try_navigate—navigate while scrolling and record the new opened page.
  • scroll_navigate_after—navigate after duration in milliseconds, by default it is half of the duration.
  • scroll_navigate_to_url—to what URL navigate;
  • scroll_navigate_link_hints—if the URL is not specified, the hints of what links to use, by default 'pricing', 'about', 'customers'. E.g. “pricing” means to open any internal link which has the “pricing” keyword in its text;
  • scroll_till_selector—scroll till the selector is visible;
  • scroll_till_selector_adjust_top—adjust the top position of the selector in the viewport.

There is an example of applying custom options for scrolling Senja:<your access key>

The result is:

You can record a page navigation when recording scrolling screenshot video. It allows render less boring and more engaging videos.

It is rendered with a simple request like:<YOUR KEY>

You need to specify either the “scroll_navigate_to_url” or the “scroll_navigate_link_hints” options. If neither is specified, any first random visible internal link will be used for navigation if available.

The scroll_navigate_link_hints option can be used as an array:


The API will attempt to find any internal links that match the hints.

All supported options

Animation specific


Available response formats:

  • mp4
  • mov
  • avi
  • webm
  • gif

Default value is mp4.


If you need a longer animation, please, reach out at and describe your use case.

The default value is 5 seconds (duration=5).

The minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 30.

Suppose scroll_complete is set to true, which is by default, and the scrolling scenario) is completed earlier than the specified duration. In that case, the recording will be stopped, and the resulting animation will be short.


You must specify both the width and height parameters. You can’t specify only one. By default, the width and the height parameters are the same as viewport width and viewport height parameters.

The device scale factor is taken into consideration. If you set the viewport width and height to 1000x500, with device_scale_factor=1, the resulting resolution of the video will be 1000x500, but with device_scale_factor=2, it will be 2000x1000.

If aspect ratio is specified, width and height are not used. And API will try to fit the video of the viewport size into the specified aspect ratio.


You must specify both the width and height parameters. You can’t specify only one. By default, the width and the height parameters are the same as viewport width and viewport height parameters.

The device scale factor is taken into consideration. If you set the viewport width and height to 1000x500, with device_scale_factor=1, the resulting resolution of the video will be 1000x500, but with device_scale_factor=2, it will be 2000x1000.

If aspect ratio is specified, width and height are not used. And API will try to fit the video of the viewport size into the specified aspect ratio.

aspect ratio

If aspect ratio is specified, width and height are not used. And API will try to fit the video of the viewport size into the specified aspect ratio.


Available scenarios formats:

The default value is default.


You can clip part of the video. But currently, it is only available when the format is gif.

Use clip_width, clip_height, clip_xandclip_y` to specify the clip size and coordinates.


Animated screenshots also support most options supported by regular image screenshots. There is a list of supported options: