C# (.NET) SDK and Code Examples
If you have any questions, please, reach out at support@screenshotone.com
Massive thanks and rays of goodness to Andy Robinson (Indie Hackers, GitHub) for providing the fully-featured high-quality C# (.NET) SDK.
Add the library via nuget using the package manager console:
PM> Install-Package ScreenshotOne.dotnetsdk
Or from the .NET CLI as:
dotnet add package ScreenshotOne.dotnetsdk
Don’t forget to sign up to get access and secret keys.
Generate a screenshot URL without executing request:
var client = new Client("<access key>", "<secret key>");var options = TakeOptions.Url("https://www.amazon.com") .FullPage(true) .Format(Format.PNG) .BlockCookieBanners(true);
var url = client.GenerateTakeUrl(options);
// url = https://api.screenshotone.com/take?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com&full_page=true&format=png&block_cookie_banners=true&access_key=_OzqMIjpCw-ARQ&signature=8a08e62d13a5c3490fda0734b6707791d3decc9ab9ba41e8cc045288a39db502
Take a screenshot and save the image in the file:
var client = new Client("<access key>", "<secret key>");var options = TakeOptions.Url("https://www.google.com") .FullPage(true) .Format(Format.PNG) .BlockCookieBanners(true);
var bytes = await client.Take(options);
File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\temp\example.png", bytes);
Check out other SDKs and code examples.