ScreenshotOne is one of the best Puppeteer alternatives that can render screenshots for you in one simple API call.
Everything you need to render screenshots
ScreenshotOne takes care of all the headaches related to maintaining Puppeteer and managing headless browsers, while you can focus on other features and code more relevant to your core business.
Use the language you love
No need to worry about scaling headless browsers and handling all the corner cases. Choose your language and library and let's start rendering screenshots.
// add com.screenshotone.jsdk:screenshotone-api-jsdk:[1.0.0,2.0.0)// to your `pom.xml` or `build.gradle`
import com.screenshotone.jsdk.Client;import com.screenshotone.jsdk.TakeOptions;
import;import java.nio.file.Files;
public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final Client client = Client.withKeys("<access key>", "<secret key>"); TakeOptions takeOptions = TakeOptions.url("") .fullPage(true) .deviceScaleFactor(1) .viewportHeight(1200) .viewportWidth(1200) .format("png") .omitBackground(true); final String url = client.generateTakeUrl(takeOptions);
System.out.println(url); // Output:
// or download the screenshot final byte[] image = client.take(takeOptions);
Files.write(new File("./example.png").toPath(), image); // the screenshot is stored in the example.png file }}
ScreenshotOne is the best product on the market - and that's before you take into account how responsive and easy Dmytro is to work with.
Any time we've found a rare edge case, it's been resolved in hours.
Great company, great founder - can't say enough!
Superb and exhaustive documentation, ready SDKs, no-code tools, and other automation to help you render website screenshots and outsource all the boring work related to that to us.