ScreenshotOne moves to a different affiliate program provider

Published on Dmytro Krasun 1 min read Product updates
I am really sorry but we moved our affiliate program to Tolt because Reflio is not in active maintenance anymore—it is a forced move.

My apologies to all affiliates of ScreenshotOne.

I have sent an email twice with an invite link to a new affiliate program to make sure that everybody received it.

Once I get data from Reflio, I will recalculate payouts manually and if any send them to relevant affiliates.

I also made sure that the new affiliate program worked by testing it a few times with real payment cards and browsers with blockers to navigate to a website and make a purchase.

I am grateful to you for being a partner for ScreenshotOne, and I hope will continue our partnership further.

Check out our affiliate program terms and you can sign up for the new program at