Get the HTTP response status code and headers with screenshots

Published on Dmytro Krasun 1 min read Product updates
On rare occasions, you might need to get the HTTP status code and headers of the target host. It is pretty easy to do now.

We deployed a new version of the API that returns the HTTP response status code and headers when possible.

To get the status code or the headers, just set one of the needed parameters to true: metadata_http_response_headers=true or metadata_http_response_status_code=true. And you will get all the data when available:

A response example

In the example, above it is rendered as JSON, because response_type is set to json and cache to true. But if you render a binary screenshot, not JSON, you can get that data from the API response headers as X-ScreenshotOne-HTTP-Response-Status-Code and ScreenshotOne-HTTP-Response-Status-Headers.

Headers and status codes might not be available when the target host DNS name is not resolved, there is a network error, or even just timeout error and the host doesn’t respond.

Hope you find it helpful, enjoy and have a nice day!