Choose the full page screenshot algorithm

Published on Dmytro Krasun 1 min read Product updates
Now, you can choose the full page screenshot algorithm.

ScreenshotOne API now allows you to choose the full page screenshot algorithm. It wasn’t available before, and most of the time the API was guessing the best algorithm automatically.

Use the full_page_algorithm option to choose the algorithm. The default value is default.

The default algorithm is the same as the one used in the Chrome DevTools Protocol, with some tuning and for some websites with different optimizations.

But if you set full_page_algorithm=by_sections, the API will take a screenshot section by section and then combine them into one image.

It allows more complex pages with animations to be rendered correctly.

The by_sections will scroll the website automatically regardless of the full_page_scroll option value.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us at