ScreenshotOne supports PDF rendering for a long time but it was used till recently by a small group of customers. Growing demand in PDF rendering required updating the API. And today, we introduce new options for PDF customization.
Better and more extensible PDF rendering
ScreenshotOne supports PDF rendering for a long time but it was used till recently by a small group of customers. Growing demand in PDF rendering required updating the API. And today, we introduce new options for PDF customization.
We have added a possibility to render the website as a page PDF, it is essentially the equivalent of the full-page screenshot, but as a PDF with one page only. Use the pdf_fit_one_page option to achieve that.
And you can force our PDF API (now we call it so) to render graphics, which is not enabled by default. Most of our current customers use PDF rendering without graphics. Use the pdf_print_background option to achieve that.
Happy to share the updates and more soon to come!
Interviews, tips, guides, industry best practices, and news.
Daily, I work as hard as I can to ensure that ScreeenshotOne is the best screenshot API out there possible. But I rarely share updates but trust me, a ton of them might go unnoticed. Let's fix this situation.
There is a set of use cases when you want to fail screenshot rendering and retry it if the content of the page is missing a string.
It is a long-term move and rebuilding the ScreenshotOne dashboard was a decision to continue improving customer experience. The previous version of the dashboard was outdated and didn't serve new arising customer needs well.
Exhaustive documentation, ready SDKs, no-code tools, and other automation to help you render website screenshots and outsource all the boring work related to that to us.